The Lasiocampidae are a family of moths known as eggars, tent caterpillars, lappet moths. Over 2,000 species occur worldwide.Their common name “lappet moths” comes from the decorative skin flaps found on the caterpillar’s prolegs. The name “eggars” comes from the neat egg-shaped cocoons of some species. The scientific name is from the Greek lasio (wooly) and campa (caterpillar).
Adults in this moth family are large bodied with broad wings and may have the characteristic elongated mouth parts or have reduced mouth parts and not feed as adults. They are either diurnal or nocturnal. Females lay a large number of eggs which look flat and smooth or slightly pitted. Females are generally larger and slower than the males, but both sexes otherwise appear similar. Moths are typically brown or grey, with hairy legs and bodies.
Source: Wikipedia
Subfamily Lasiocampinae

(Sumaco, Ecuador)
Tribe Gastropachini

(Kalimantan, Indonesia)
Tribe Odonestini

(Pahang, Malaysia)

(Sabah, Malaysia)

(Sabah, Malaysia)


(Sabah, Malaysia)

(Sabah, Malaysia)
Tribe Pinarini

(Pahang, Malaysia)


(Sabah, Malaysia)

(Sabah, Malaysia)
Tribe Selenepherini

(Sabah, Malaysia)

(Sabah, Malaysia)
Tribe Trabalini

(Sabah, Malaysia)

(Sabah, Malaysia)

(Sabah, Malaysia)
Subfamily Poecilocampinae
Tribe Macromphaliini

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)

(Sumaco, Ecuador)