Carnivora is the sixth largest order of placental mammals specialized primarily in eating flesh, whose members are formally referred to as carnivorans. The order currently comprises of about 279 species and are found on every major landmass, from the cold polar regions to the hyper arid saharan areas and open seas.
Carnivora are divided into two suborders, the Feliformia, containing the true felids and several “cat-like” animals; and the Caniformia, containing the true canids and many “dog-like” animals.
Source: Wikipedia
Family Canidae
Canis lupus ssp. filchneri (Tibetan Wolf) (Sichuan, China)

Vulpes ferrilata (Tibetan Fox) (Sichuan, China)

Family Mustelidae
Subfamily Guloninae
Eira barbara (Tayra) (Ecuador)

Subfamily Lutrinae
Lutrogale perspicillata (Smooth-coated Otter) (Singapore)

Family Otariidae
Arctocephalus pusillus ssp. doriferus (Australian Fur Seal) Tasmania, Australia)

Family Procyonidae
Bassaricyon neblina (Olinquito) (Ecuador)

Family Ursidae
Subfamily Tremarctinae
Tremarctos ornatus (Spectacled Bear) (Ecuador)

Family Viverridae
Subfamily Paradoxurinae
Paradoxurus musanga (Southeast Asian Palm Civet) (Singapore)