The  order Lagomorpha, consist two living families: the Leporidae (rabbits and hares) and the Ochotonidae (Pikas). There are 110 recent species of lagomorph, of which only 109 species in twelve genera are extant, including ten genera of rabbits (42 species); one genus of hare (33 species) and one genus of pika (34 species). 

Lagomorphs have four incisors in the upper jaw (smaller peg teeth behind larger incisors), whereas rodents only have two. They are similar to rodents in that their incisors grow continuously, thus necessitating constant chewing on fibrous food to prevent the teeth from growing too long. In addition, all lagomorph teeth grow continuously, while for most rodents, only the incisors grow continuously. Lagomorph and rodent incisors are structured differently. Lagomorphs have more cheek teeth than rodents. Both have a large diastema.

Lagomorphs are almost strictly herbivorous, unlike rodents, many of which will eat both meat and vegetable matter. Lagomorphs have no paw pads; instead, the bottoms of their paws are entirely covered with fur, a trait they share with red pandas. Similar to the rodents, bats, and some mammalian insectivores, they have a smooth-surface cerebrum. Lagomorphs are unusual among terrestrial mammals in that the females are larger than males.

Family Leporidae

Sylvilagus sp. IMG_0677 (cottontail rabbit) (Papallacta, Ecuador)

Family Ochotonidae

Ochotona curzoniae (Black-lipped Pika) (Sichuan, China)