The family Uraniidae contains four subfamilies, 90 genera, and roughly 700 species distributed throughout the tropics. Some of the tropical species are known for their bright, butterfly-like colors and are called sunset moths, of which many toxic and the bright colors are warnings to predators.

The family contains both diurnal and nocturnal species. The day-flying species are usually more strikingly colored and vibrant than the nocturnal ones. Many diurnal species also have iridescent scales and multiple tails, which often lead them to be mistaken for butterflies. In sharp contrast, the nocturnal species are generally small, pale-colored.

Source: Wikipedia

Subfamily Epipleminae

Chaetoceras poi
Dysaethria lilacina
Dysphania malayanus
Dysaethria sp. 0F1A3577
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Dysaethria sp. 086A3488
Dysaethria sp. 086A7017
Dysaethria sp. 0F1A1430
(Pulai, Malaysia)
Epiplema sp. 0F1A6655
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Europlema desistaria
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Meleaba theclaria
(Sumaco, Ecuador)
Monobolodes rectifascia
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Monobolodes sp. 0F1A5118
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Monobolodes sp. 0F1A1511
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Monobolodes sp. 0F1A1609
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Phazaca erosioides
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Phazaca leucocera
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Syngria drepanata
(Sumaco, Ecuador)
Warreniplema fumicosta
(Doi Inthanon, Chiangmai)
Epipleminae 086A0670
Epipleminae 0F1A4370
(Doi Inthanon, Chiangmai)
Epipleminae 086A8515
(Johore, Malaysia)

Subfamily Microniinae

Acropteris rectinervata

Subfamily Uraniinae

Lyssa zampa
Lyssa sp. 0F1A1015