A wasp is any insect of the narrow-waisted suborder Apocrita of the order Hymenoptera which is neither a bee nor an ant and excludes the broad-waisted sawflies (Symphyta), which look somewhat like wasps, but are in a separate suborder.

The wasps do not constitute a clade (a complete natural group with a single ancestor), whereas bees and ants are deeply nested within the wasps, having evolved from wasp ancestors. Wasps that are members of the clade Aculeata can sting their prey.

The most commonly known wasps, such as yellowjackets and hornets, are in the family Vespidae and are eusocial (living together in a nest with an egg-laying queen and non-reproducing workers). Most wasp species are however solitary, with each adult female living and breeding independently. Females typically have an ovipositor for laying eggs in or near a food source for the larvae, though in the Aculeata the ovipositor is often modified instead into a sting used for defense or prey capture. Wasps play many ecological roles. Some are predators or pollinators, whether to feed themselves or for their larvae. Many, notably the cuckoo wasps lay their eggs in the nests of other wasps (kleptoparasites). Many of the solitary wasps are parasitoidal, meaning they lay eggs on or in other insects (any life stage from egg to adult) and often provision their own nests with such hosts. Unlike true parasites, the wasp larvae eventually kill their hosts. Solitary wasps parasitize almost every pest insect, making wasps valuable in horticulture for biological pest control for whitefly in tomatoes and other crops.

The largest social wasp is the Asian giant hornet, at up to 5 cm in length. Among the largest solitary wasps is a group of species known as tarantula hawks, along with the giant scoliid of Indonesia (Megascolia procer). The smallest wasps are solitary parasitoid wasps in the family Mymaridae, including the world’s smallest known insect, with a body length of only 0.139 mm, and the smallest known flying insect, only 0.15 mm long.

Source: Wikipedia

Family Braconidae

Braconidae 086A5928
Braconidae 086A8229
Braconidae 0F1A4751
(Kalimantan, Indonesia)
Braconidae 086A2631

Subfamily Agathidinae

Agathidinae 086A1953
Agathidinae 086A6726
Agathidinae 086A4289

Subfamily Doryctinae

Doryctinae 0F1A2134
Doryctinae 0F1A2240
Doryctinae 0F1A2242
Doryctinae 086A1555
Doryctinae 086A3295
Doryctinae 086A3585
Doryctinae 086A3792
Doryctinae 086A1319
Doryctinae 086A8652
Doryctinae 0F1A5338
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Doryctinae 086A2492
Doryctinae 086A0170

Family Crabronidae

Subfamily Crabroninae

Tribe Larrini

Tachytes sp. 086A9164

Subfamily Pemphredoninae

Tribe Psenini

Psenulus sp. 086A7651
Psenulus sp. 086A0537 (small) colonial roosting with Eustenogaster micans (large) (non- Crabronid) (Singapore)

Family Evaniidae

Evaniidae 0F1A5104
(Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Family Eucharitidae

Subfamily Eucharitinae

Tribe Eucharitini

Ancylotropus sp. 0F1A2977
(Johore, Malaysia)
Ancylotropus sp. 086A1382
Stilbula sp. 086A8589
Stilbula sp. 086A8765

Family Eupelmidae

Eupelmidae 0F1A2208
(Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand)

Subfamily Calosotinae

Balcha sp. 086A2653

Family Ichneumonidae

Ichneumonidae 086A0189
Ichneumonidae 086A7002
Ichneumonidae 086A5683

Subfamily Cryptinae

Tribe Cryptini

Goryphus sp. 086A1106
Gotra sp. 086A5325
Gotra sp. 086A6304

Subfamily Ophioninae

Tribe Enicospilini

Enicospilus sp. 0F1A9908
(Andasibe, Madagascar)
Enicospilus sp. 0F1A2457
Enicospilus sp. 086A0990
Enicospilus sp. 086A3539
Enicospilus sp. 0F1A9129
(Tandayapa, Ecuador)

Tribe Pimplini

Xanthopimpla sp. 086A8385
Xanthopimpla sp. 086A9107
Xanthopimpla sp. 086A0696

Subfamily Rhyssinae

Rhyssinae 086A6402
Rhyssinae 086A9314

Family Metapelmatidae

Subfamily Metapelmatinae

Metapelma sp. 0F1A2166
(Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand)
Metapelma sp. 086A4238

Family Mutillidae

Subfamily Mutillinae

Tribe Mutillini

Odontomutilla sp. 0F1A5414
(Sabah, Malaysia)

Tribe Trogaspidiini

Trogaspidiini 0F1A9956
(Sarawak, Malaysia)
Trogaspidiini 0F1A0167
(Johore, Malaysia)
Trogaspidiini 0F1A0545
Trogaspidiini 0F1A0709

Subfamily Sphaeropthalminae

Tribe Pseudomethocini

Hoplomutilla sp. IMG_2651
(Tandayapa, Ecuador)

Family Pompilidae

Pompilidae IMG_6396
Pompilidae 0F1A9872
(Johore, Malaysia)
Pompilidae 0F1A0918
(Tangkoko NP, Indonesia)
Pompilidae 0F1A0994
(Tangkoko NP, Indonesia)

Subfamily Pepsinae

Tribe Ageniellini

Auplopus sp. 086A5039 with Olios sp. prey

Tribe Pepsini

Cryptocheilus sp. 0F1A9503
(Phuket, Thailand)
Java nigrita
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Java sp. 0F1A9819

Subfamily Pompilinae

Tribe Pompilini

Episyron sp. 086A1434 with Eriovixia sp. prey

Family Scoliidae

Subfamily Campsomerinae

Phalerimeris sp. 086A3017

Subfamily Scoliinae

Scolia superciliaris

Family Stephanidae

Stephanidae 086A3016
Stephanidae 0F1A2659 (Singapore)
Stephanidae 086A3624 (Ovipositing)

Family Torymidae

Torymidae 086A7599 (On mantis ootheca)
Torymidae 086A7599 (Close-up)

Family Vespidae

Subfamily Eumeninae

Stenodyneriellus guttulatus

Subfamily Polistinae

Tribe Polistini

Polistes meadeanus
(Sarawak, Malaysia)
Polistes stigma

Tribe Ropalidiini

Ropalidia anarchica
(Akanin’ ny Nofy, Madagascar)
Ropalidia erythrospila
Ropalidia fasciata
Ropalidia regina
(Akanin’ ny Nofy, Madagascar)
Ropalidia stigma
Ropalidia subclavata
(Akanin’ ny Nofy, Madagascar)
Ropalidia sumatrae
Ropalidia timida
Parapolybia varia
Ropalidia variabilis
(Akanin’ ny Nofy, Madagascar)
Ropalidia sp. 0F1A1606
(Akanin’ ny Nofy, Madagascar)
Ropalidia sp. 086A2529

Subfamily Stenogastrinae

Eustenogaster micans
Eustenogaster cf micans (large) and Psenulus sp. (small) roosting togther
Eustenogaster sp. 0F1A8580
(Sarawak, Malaysia)
Eustenogaster sp. 0F1A8830
(Khao Sok NP, Thailand)
Eustenogaster sp. 086A6483
Eustenogaster sp. IMG_6561

Subfamily Vespinae

Provespa anomala